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#> Loading required package: Bessel

This example generates the following regressor terms and then calculates the ordinary least squares solution.

  • Distributed lag terms for barometric pressure
  • B-spline terms for background trend
  • Standard lagged terms for Earth tides
  • Global intercept

The get_response_data function returns the response and cumulative responses based on the regression coefficients.

#|warning: false
#|message: false

# kennel_2020 (1 minute interval)
#  water level
#  barometric pressure
#  synthetic earthtide

form     <- as.formula(wl~.)
ba_knots <- log_lags(15, 1441)  # knots for distributed lag baro terms
df       <- 5                   # degrees of freedom for spline background trend

rec <- recipe(form, kennel_2020) |>
  step_distributed_lag(baro, knots = ba_knots) |>
  step_spline_b(datetime, df = df) |>
  step_lead_lag(et, lag = seq(-120, 120, 60)) |>
  step_intercept() |>
  step_drop_columns(c(baro, et, datetime)) |>
  step_ols(formula = form) |>
  prep() |>

# responses
resp <- rec$get_response_data(type = "dt")

# barometric response function
plot(value~x, data = resp[term == "distributed_lag" & variable == "cumulative"], 
     type = "l",
     xlab = "Lag time in minutes",
     ylab = "Cumulative response")

Estimated barometric response function which starts at zero and increases to around 0.82 after 500 minutes.

The regression coefficients can also be used to predict contributions from the regression model using the get_predict_data function. Summing all the terms give the predicted value from the regression model.

#|warning: false
#|message: false

# decomposition
pred <- cbind(kennel_2020, rec$get_predict_data())

# initial
plot(wl~datetime, pred, type = "l", 
       xlab = "", ylab = "Pressure (dbar)")

# predicted sum of components
points(wl_distributed_lag_baro + 
       wl_spline_b_datetime + 
       wl_lead_lag_et + 
       wl_intercept~datetime, pred, type = "l", col = "red")

Comparison of the predicted and observed water levels. Only small differences between the two curves are evident.